Computer Diagnostic:
Our certified auto mechanics utilize state-of-the-art computerized engine diagnostic tools to help find out what is wrong with your engine. This saves the guesswork and expediates the repair. Our computer diagnostics work with both foreign and domestic cars at a reasonable cost to you in no time. Keep on the right track with CFI Fleet Repair of San Diego.
Engine Repair:
Our mechanics are ASE Certified professionals with years of experience. Our engine service technicians can pinpoint problems with the motor before they happen. We also carry a complete line of new and rebuilt parts or can get them delivered in minutes… We can tune up your car in a jiffy. Often the same day. All engine repairs are guaranteed in writing. Our reputation has been sterling for more than2 decades. We’ll explain everything fully and offer free estimates on all repairs.
Fluid Service:
9 out of 10 transmission failures are due to transmission fluid overheating. Changing power steering fluid will prolong the life of more expensive power steering components. Gasoline combustion results in engine deposits that rob your car of fuel mileage and performance. Over 20% of cars have contaminated brake fluid that contained 5 or more percent water that can cause catastrophic brake failure. Old dirty engine oil can lead to massive engine repairs. Engine overheating due to old contaminated coolant can severely damage your engine and head gasket in minutes?
Alignment Balance:
Improper wheel alignment or bad balance of rims can wear out your expensive tires in no time! At CFI Fleet Repair Shop we have our own computerized advanced wheel alignment and balance machines. We can align both foreign and domestic cars with our state-of-the-art alignment computer at a reasonable cost to you in no time.
A/C Heat:
We can “sniff” out leaks in your system in seconds. Finding the problem fast saves you time and money. We can replace your old environmentally damaging coolant with a new environmentally friendly coolant in minutes. We can fix your heater for that long trip up north or for that cold snap here in San Diego. Don’t lose your cool or get hot under the collar… Call us today!
We service all types of disc and drum brakes at CFI Fleet Service. Unlike most shops, we turn your rotors and drums in-house using our state-of-the-art machinery saving you days of service time. Your automobile will stop on a dime when you utilize our expert service. All brake jobs are fully guaranteed.